About the Journal

The Escola da Cidade Cadernos de Pesquisa is a journal created to disseminate and make our students' undergraduate research publicly available. It is an academic and scientific journal aiming to make room for discussions and reflections on architecture and urbanism — and related areas — in its multiple aspects. The Cadernos de Pesquisa focuses on publishing undergraduate students' papers looking to qualify and stimulate the research developed at the Escola da Cidade and calling researchers from other institutions to dialogue.

The Cadernos de Pesquisa Magazine is a six-monthly publication and has printed (ISSN 2447-7141) and digital editions (ISSN 2675-9918); it receives ongoing articles and essays to blind peer review. It also publishes annually: Escola da Cidade Research Reports (1st semester) and Escola da Cidade Annual Scientific Journey (2nd semester), sections which do not accept submissions.