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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Texts follow formatting standards and requirements described in the Diretrizes para Autores, on the About the Journal page.
  • The system registration OJS and following access, log in and password, are mandatory to submit the works and monitor the editorial process.
  • The works come from research developed by students during their architecture and urbanism – and related areas – undergraduate studies. (Undergraduate Scientific Research, Experimental Research, Final Paper, etc.).

Author Guidelines

1. General Conditions

1.1. The Cadernos de Pesquisa da Escola da Cidade journal publishes diverse research works (Undergraduate Research, Experimental Research Final Papers, etc.) developed by architecture and urbanism – and related areas – undergraduate students. Advisors have a fundamental role during the research development, which is highlighted on the opening journal page. However, submitted works must only be written by the students.

1.2. The ongoing accepted collaborations could be submitted as articles or essays. An editorial committee will review them to evaluate their relevance to the journal and then send the text to be peer-reviewed. Later they will decide in which journal number the work will be published.

1.3. It is the author’s responsibility to send the work following the norms specified by the journal, under penalty of not being accepted. Format standard is based on the criteria defined by the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), according to the following orientation.

1.4. It is the journal's responsibility and its editorial team to adjust the original text to the editorial standards, submit the articles to be proofread, and establish deadlines. 

1.5. The Cadernos de Pesquisa da Escola da Cidade journal is not responsible for the writing nor the ideas expressed by collaborators and authors.

1.6. Every submission must be accompanied by a signed declaration and sent as .docx, .pdf, or .jpg, according to the following model. It must be sent along with a submission form in the OJS system. If a work has more than one author, every author must send a declaration.

Any doubts can be clarified by email:



I, (full name), CPF (number), ID (number), address (full address), authorize the Cadernos de Pesquisa da Escola da Cidade journal to publish the article (title and subtitle) /essay (title and subtitle) [CHOOSE ONE THE ALTERNATIVES].

I hereby attest that the following information is accurate:

- I am the only author of the work named above / I am the author of the work named above, and I co-author with (co-authors' full names) [CHOOSE ONE THE ALTERNATIVES].

- The work sent to be evaluated is original / was published at (original publication) [CHOOSE ONE THE ALTERNATIVES].

- I am the only one responsible for the writing, ideas, and opinions presented in the paper.

- I assume full responsibility for the image use, identification, sources, and credits.

(Local and date)

(Signature and author's full name)


It is a report resulting from scientific research organized in the form of an article that presents and discusses one or more of the following aspects related to an ongoing or completed research: formulation of an investigated problem, the theoretical framework, methodology, partial or final results, main difficulties found during the investigation process.

2. Text Formatting

2.1. Files must be sent as .doc or .docx. Texts should be: Format A4 – Margins 2cm – Justified Align – Paragraph Spacing 6 pt. (no tabulation) and between single lines. Font Arial size 11 (texts, titles, references, footnote, quotations).

2.2. Text must have an up to 85 characters (spaced) title (eventual sub-title) in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

2.3. Author' full name must come with an endnote and have the following information: academic formation, student degree; type of research (undergraduate research, final paper, others); the year research started and ended; any financial support; any institutional research association; advisor name and associated institution; student's email.

2.4. Articles must have between 40.000 to 60.000 characters (spaced). It must have a summary (minimum 700 and maximum 1.300 characters with space) in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and up to three keywords Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

2.5. References (books, thesis, dissertations, websites, etc., consulted for the article) should come at the end of the article.

3. Presentation

3.1. Sections

The article division must be Arabic numerals. The section or title indicative must be bold, followed by a period.

3.2. Quotations

They must follow ABNT NBR 10520/2002 (Information and Documentation – Quotations in texts – Presentation). Every quoted text must be in the reference list. Direct or indirect quotations in the text body must follow the called author-date system. Direct citations with more than three lines must be formatted with a 4cm indent from the left margin and written without quotation marks or in italics.

3.3. Explicative notes

They must be endnotes, exclusively explicative, and sequence Arabic numerals.

4. References

They must follow ABNT NBR 6023/2002 (Information and Documentation – References – Elaboration). The references (books, thesis, dissertations, websites, etc., consulted for the article) must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article.

5. Images

5.1. Up to six images will be accepted and published in PB (grayscale).

5.2. Images must be numbered and sent as .jpg, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and 20x30cm.

5.3. Images must come accompanied by a .doc or .docx document. The images' subtitles must be numbered— the subtitles must have source and image credit information.


They are an experimental scientific research product presented as a text essay, graphic, or text-graphic, aiming to discuss ongoing or concluded research aspects. It has a conceptual accuracy in a flexible format, though.

6. Text Formatting

The essays must be in.jpg (graphic elements) and .doc or .docx (text elements) organized according to the following:

6.1. It must come with a 700 to 1.300 characters (spaced) text sample or a short explanation translated to English and Spanish.

6.2. It must have a title (eventual subtitle) in Portuguese, English, and Spanish and up to 85 characters (spaced).

6.3. Author' full name must come with an endnote and have the following information: academic formation, student degree; type of research (undergraduate research, final paper, others); the year that the research started and ended; any financial support; any institutional research association; advisor name and associated institution; student's email.

6.4. Essays with a textual part should not be over 30.000 characters (spaced) and must be sent as .doc or .docx. Texts must follow: Format A4 – Margins 2cm – justified align – Paragraph spacing 6 pt. (no tabulation) and between single lines. Font Arial size 11 (texts, titles, references, footnote, quotations).

6.5. Elements or graphic pieces – up to 8 and will be published in PB (grayscale) – must be numbered and sent as .jpg, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and 20x30cm.

6.6. Images list or graphic pieces must come at the end of the text (numbered) with source and credit.

6.7. Besides the above material, we ask the applicants to send the essay in pdf format A4, suggesting page layout and explaining the dialogue between text and image or between images.

7. Presentation

7.1. Quotations

They must follow ABNT NBR 10520/2002 (Information and Documentation – Quotations in texts – Presentation). Every quoted text must be in the reference list. Direct or indirect quotations in the text body must follow the called author-date system. The direct citations with more than three lines must be formatted with a 4cm indent from the left margin without quotation marks or italics.

7.2. Explicative notes

They must be endnotes, exclusively explicative, and sequence Arabic numerals.

8. References

They must follow ABNT NBR 6023/2002 (Information and Documentation – References – Elaboration). The references (books, thesis, dissertations, websites, etc., consulted for the article) must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article.

Privacy Statement

Informed names and addresses will be exclusively used for the services rendered by this publication, and they will not be available for other purposes and third parties.