From the everyday life to the event: an essay on cultural expressions in the city
As a development of the final undergraduate paper entitled “From the everyday life to the event: cultural expressions of Bixiga”, this essay is part of the cultural dimension’s investigation of an urban territory, in debate with the public matrix and with the notion of the right to the city. The study is based on the recognition of a place, a section of the city that is seen as a whole, the Bixiga. Structured through the existing city, from the physical aspect to the social dimension, from the specificities to the imposed logics and from the historical dimension to the contemporaneity, the essay explores other ways of reading and recognizing the city as a means for other projects investigations. Thus, the real city outlines all the research, the discoveries, and the proposals, asserting itself as a party to re-signify the ways of living the city. This essay carries, then, an intention to think about democratic spaces and cities in a transformative way, to reaffirm the urban as the place of encounter, plurality, and expression and to recognize the potency of the city that exists and pulsates.
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