Altered landscape: project for a geometric-territorial inventory of Brazil


  • Clara Varandas Abussamra ESCOLA DA CIDADE


Looking attentively at the territory, the production of space and the marks that are produced on the ground are defended in this inventory as an inherent action to the practice of architecture. This work begins with a first textual layer, supported by a thermal block that structures the way of viewing photographs, which is paying attention to themes such as territory, patterns, technology, and the consolidation of an inventory unit. The second layer deals with photographs of Brazilian soil, collected on the criteria of anthropic marks that were observed. Starting from this superior look over the land, the photographs were collected one by one, following an intentional and invented coordinate methodology, which abstracted the sense of state political borders in order to find graphic records of human action. The images were then grouped into five different groups that dialogue with the narrative and seek to establish a diagnosis of the whole ensemble. Thus, this work seeks to inaugurate a photographic, territorial inventory at the same time it can help to understand the meaning of the marks repeatedly observed on the land.


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