Indivisible: a graphic novel about the neighborhood Liberdade
“Indivisible” sought to identify and analyze the intrinsic narratives kept by the architectural and urban elements of the neighborhood Liberdade, in São Paulo, in two distinct historical periods. The chosen narratives are directly related to the black and Asian cultures — mainly Japanese —, and seek to understand the construction of the neighborhood's identity. This research was originated from a personal curiosity of understanding the multiple meanings behind the word "identity", a word that can be comprehended as a subtle and malleable projection, and even as a never-ending dispute among the various agents who live in the area.
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TEKKON KINKREET. Direção: Michael Arias, Produção: Eiichi Kamagata. Tóquio (JP): Studio 4oC, 2006, 1 Blu-Ray.
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