(In)security in urban spaces
urban violence, criminality in urban spaces, safe urban spacesAbstract
Increasing insecurity in urban spaces impacts directly on the life quality of the population and on the production of Brazilian urban space. Faced with the extensive problem of urban violence and the installation of crime, this essay seeks to understand the role of spatial qualities of urban spaces as facilitators and inhibitors of crime, based on the hypothesis that the place where crimes occur is not neutral. This study can be divided into two main stages. Firstly, the literature review and the second stage consists of the case study of Praça do DI and Praça do Bicalho in North Taguatinga, Federal District. The field survey is developed indifferent research fronts, including physical, behavioural analysis, production of axial maps, and interview with the community. We carry out a comparative analysis of the theory with the reality of these squares. Thus, the present essay brings the practical application of the theoretical assumptions about safe urban spaces.
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