Introductory guide to see ingwaves


  • Laura Pappalardo ESCOLA DA CIDADE


The urban space is full of signals, or more precisely, our buildings and cities are formed by electromagnetic waves. Drowned in waves without being aware of this condition, we are not aware of how the infrastructure of communication orchestrates activities in a imperceptible and efficient way, working as a weapon for the most powerful corporations in the world. This work aims to investigate the material dimension that allows information to be spread, revealing the geography of information coming from the sign al antennas.


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SITES CONSULTADOS: Disponível em: <> Disponível em: <>

Portal Telebrasil. Disponível em: <>

Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações. Disponível em: <>

My Tower. Disponível em: <>


Architecture of Radio. Disponível em: <>

White Spots. Disponível em: <>

