Seven worlds of water: the channeled time
This essay is a branch of the book Sete mundos d’água: histórias imaginadas sobre tempo-espaços reais, produced in 2019 as an Undergraduate Final Project for Escola da Cidade and supervised by Joana Barossi. The research has two premises: the first is that time and space are interdependent, inseparable forces; the second is that the notion of time-space is multiple, and that different ways of dealing with time may be able to design different spaces. The book presents seven chapters inspired by seven predominant expressions of time. Thoughts about our relation with time flow through imaginary tales. How do we deal with time when creating spaces? If we design cities, do we design time? How much space is there in our time and how much time is there in our space? This essay is an adaptation of the chapter “Channel”, which opens the book’s journey with the idea of linear, chronological, and progressive time. At riverside, where it is possible to wet your feet before risking a deeper dive.
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