About urban layers: an overlay of readings for downtown São Paulo


  • Marina da Silva de Melo SENAC-SP


This essay is the result of two Undergraduate Research Projects carried out in 2018 and 2019, which focused on São Paulo City’s downtown area. The researches, entitled “Street Dom José de Barros Ethnography Types” and “The Fauna of Urban Objects and Territory Features,” relate unconventional layers of the urban features and their interactions with its space. The first study was constructed based on readings, photographic, and cartographic surveys from urban ethnography, where types or urban features were identified and analyzed to decipher their relationship with the city. The second study discussed the layer of urban objects, particularly the daily downtown artifacts, which have been mapped and cataloged to decode another layer of the city’s territory. For this, it was necessary to rescue historical concepts to relate to the evolution of the place and the role of the urban object.


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