Walter Gropius: housing designs


  • Helena Goes Monteiro Bossolan FEC-Unicamp


Walter Gropius, housing, graphic analysis


The German architect Walter Gropius, founder of the most important school of design and architecture of the twentieth century, the Bauhaus, infuenced several schools of architecture of his time and still exerts great infuence in the present. In this context, a study was developed about the three main houses designed by Walter Gropius. These works were selected with the intention of understanding the concept of housing for Gropius. The objective of this research was to study the contribution of the architect to architecture, especially in the concept of housing. For that, a study of the trajectory of the architect, as well as of the history of the residences and their relations with the International Style, in which they are inserted, was made; the bibliographic reference; the systematization of the existing graphic material relating to the works; the study of methods of analysis and the choice of only one to use as a reference. Then, each of the three works was analyzed graphically, comparing them with each other, with the objective of identifying similar project strategies and infuences of other architects in the works of Gropius.


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<>. Acessado em fev. 2016.

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