The situation of the worker in civil construction: speculating solutions from the architecture viewpoint


  • Rafaella Luppino Escola da Cidade
  • Stela Mori Escola da Cidade


worker, construction, planning


This article refers to two scientific initiations that raise problematics about the construction site with the dual intention of exposing the worker’s situation in this environment while, at the same time, reflects on the architect’s social insertion within that context. Each research looks deeper a specific case: Rafaella Luppino studied the situation of the worker and the architect in Terminal 3 of Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo, and Stela Mori repeated the same procedure for the Centro Internacional Sara Kubitschek de Neurociências e Neurorreabilitação, in Rio de Janeiro. These two researches were compared to obtain the theoretical bases for the conclusion of the two papers. Thus, it was possible to detect, from the analysis of the context in which each architect was inserted, issues that helped or harmed both architects in humanizing the construction site. The aim of the two researches was not to exalt one construction site over another, but to reflect on the relation between the architect and the worker in both cases, to rethink this relationship in actuality. We have analyzed the pertinence of architects intervening professionally in the situation of the workers, and whether such effort is relevant.


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