“This research work began by identifying the existing relations between the advertising fi eld of airlines and the physical space of Guarulhos Airport. To this end, we have worked on two fronts: the universe of the construction of desires, and the phenomenological experience of the airport itself. We have analyzed the various forms of airline advertising, and the spatial and communicative structure of the airport itself. [...] In a second moment, the research concentrated on the study of the visibility and invisibility regimes present in the airport space, taking as hypothesis that the experience of an air trip is developed in a programmed way. [...] In the end, the team has defi ned two fi elds of approach – the fi rst would deal, through photographic records, with the stages to which a passenger is submitted within the airport device; and the second turned to the construction of a graphical synthesis of the same course (by using images of manuals of behavioural rules and basic guidelines), highlighting the tenuous limit betweenthe surveillance and entertainment modes within this device.”