Seeds of Pomegranate: Arab and Islamic Cities in the Teaching of Urbanization History


  • Allan Pedro dos Santos Silva FAU-USP


Urbanization and urbanism, Orientalism, Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism


This article aims to identify and analyze the place occupied by Arab and Islamic cities in the disciplines of Urbanization and Urbanism in the undergraduate Architecture and Urbanism program at the Architecture and Urbanism School of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP), based on the definitions of orientalism by Edward Said and historical fact by Antoine Prost. The research primarily relies on the analysis of syllabi and course outlines at FAU-USP, searching for references to Arabs and Muslims and seeking to critically review the bibliographic materials used by instructors to discuss the processes of urbanization involving these populations. The study identifies periods of exclusion (1952 to 2011) and relative marginalization (2012 to 2022) of Arabs and Muslims in the teaching of Urbanization History. It also points to the limitations and potentialities of using secondary sources to study Arab and Islamic cities in the context of the education of architects and urban planners.


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