

  • Lígia Bacellar Zilbersztejn ESCOLA DA CIDADE


This essay investigates a possible History of domestic space and aesthetic state of woman during the decade of 1950 and 1960 involving the painting series Envolvimentos (1968) by Wanda Pimentel, in Brazil, and the movie Le Bonheur (1965) by Agne?s Varda, in France. It is possible to point out some elements in common between the two works: the colors, the same household utensils, and specially the framing of the interior scenes that hides the character in the room. Written in a fictional language and appropriating the language used by the Female’s Encyclopedia, this essay intends to apprehend and relate common elements in female authorship’s representation of domestic space. This essay is a reduced version of the undergraduate final paper, containing the first five chapters of the original text.


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