Cartographies of Error: Subjective Maps and Redesigned Territories


  • Vânia Medeiros FAU-USP


cartography, art, resentation of territories


This article analyzes subjective maps as devices that propose readings and resignifications of contemporary territories. "Subjective maps" are works that articulate photography, video, drawing and text, made by visual artists who appropriate the iconography and the terms of traditional cartography, subverting hegemonic representations. These inaccurate "error" cartographies are carried out by creators who are aware of the enormous power of cartographic instruments to generate discourses and legitimize powers. This article seeks to draw a brief history of the use of subjective maps in the 1950s by the Situationists and highlight more contemporaneous works by the artists Sophie Calle, Bouchra Khalili, and Marina Camargo. To reflect on the works from the artists listed, we articulate texts by researchers such as Renata Marquez, Paola Berenstein Jacques, Francesco Careri, among others. Attached to the article there is a set of illustrations entitled "Errors", carried out by us.


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