
  • Kadu Kennjiro Tomita da Silva ESCOLA DA CIDADE


The LIVING-DEAD Museum of Art is the merger of MAM and Masp in Trianon, celebrated and sponsored by Banco Itaú — it is an essay mediated by a fictional architectural project, through which I intended to reflect upon the profusion of historical fields within the genesis of the collective memory of this locus . The main scope of this speculation revolves around the concept of realism as an inherent process in the emergence of a Brazilian bourgeoisie, as well as in their intervention to the urban fabric as city manufacturers. This narrative is composed by the following script: the opening of the avenue, the construction of the Belvedere and the Dumont-Adams Building by the coffee producers elite; the apparent contend for the site between Ciccillo (MAM/Bienal) and Chateaubriand (Masp), concurrently with the construction of residential high-rises on the Avenida Paulista by industrial-powered bourgeoises; and, in conclusion, the growing financialization of art institutions at the same time the region was undergoing physical changes, which had been transforming it into the central business district of Sao Paulo metro area. The museum is then an object that mediates the relations in-between the economical macrostructure and architecture itself, as a way of being accurate on the underlying critique of the current realist state of affairs and capital realization as space in Brazil.


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