In parallel: the occupation of air space as a hypothesis of metropolitan construction


  • Maurício Addor Neto FAU-MACKENZIE


The metropolis of São Paulo was formed throughout the 20th century in an endless territorial expansion, inflating horizontally as the number of inhabitants grew exponentially. Due to the need of densifying the city and bringing people closer to urban infrastructure and equipment, its urban fabric has been transformed, creating different landscapes, but not always in harmony with its pre-existences and old scenarios. This essay understands this situation as a contemporary paradox, in which those responsible for designing the city, on one hand, need to build their buildings, due to a real demand for densification; and on the other hand, need to preserve its fabrics, typologies and even its common constructions, as these are elements that have embedded value and memory, characterizing the site and defining its state in the popular imagery collection. From this perspective, an unusual spatial condition is speculated. One possible way to address this dilemma is conceptually developing the overlapping of needs — densify/preserve; and physically, through the occupation of air space over these consolidated urban fabrics. A possible context that will be gradually elucidated in a short story. This essay is an ode to the metropolis.


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