The participation of UNIFESP trough an exercise of mediation at Contracondutas project: a critic reflection about the public interventions
artistic curatorship, mediation, teachingAbstract
The Associação Escola da Cidade (AEC) has taken responsibility to comply with the Termo de Ajuste de Conduta (TAC), referring to compensation process of workers who were building the Terminal 3 of the International Airport of Guarulhos in a regime analogous to slavery. In compliance with the requirements of Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Escola da Cidade carried out a process of selection of public interventions through public edict, in addition to an invitation to groups and artists who could develop works that would problematize and promote public debate regarding the impact of large infrastructure, migration and work analogous to slavery. In addition, a partnernership with Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) was carried out, through those responsible for Curricular Unit Laboratory of Research and Practices in History of Art III (also called Laboratory III) of History of Art Graduation Course. The participation of UNIFESP was to play a critical mediation role, through the responsible teachers and students involved in Laboratory III discipline (Curatory and Mediation) mediating meetings between artists responsible for public interventions and the curators of Contracondutas project, in order to analyze critically the process of artistic creation of the interventions in the light of some dimensions of contemporary activist art, as the works of Tucumán Arde and the theoretical propositions of Brian Holmes.
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