A fruitfull meeting: the participation of UNIFESP in Contracondutas project


  • Thiago Tozawa Matias UNIFESP
  • Rodrigo Pacheco de Oliveira UNIFESP


art curatorship, mediation, academic extention


The Associação Escola da Cidade (AEC) and Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), through Course Unit Laboratory of Researches and Practices in History of Art III (also known Laboratory III) of History of Art Graduation Course established a partnership for the development of reflective practices of curatorship and mediation within the framework of the Contracondutas Project: research on labor and migration in civil construction. The purpose of this article is to present this fruitful meeting, held through a dialogue between the critical exercise of curatorial practices and the research and the extension activities carried out by the Contracondutas Project. Laboratory III followed and established critical reflections with the proposals of public intervention through conversations, debates and exercises of public mediation. Considering the extensionist nature of the curricular unit, it was proposed as a result of this arrangement, the construction of an itinerant exhibition device that is being carried out jointly with the Escola da Cidade, and that in its conception will allow to answer some demands and questions of the Contracondutas project, as well as to enable the creation and experimentation of forms of critical mediation that articulate didactic-pedagogical activities and research conducted at UNIFESP with the community of Guarulhos.


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