Architecture from Without: feminism and design subversion


  • Juliana Motta Biancardine PUC-RJ


gender, feminisms, school of architecture


This article aims to investigate how Architecture as an academic discipline has a direct participation in perpetuating codes that establish an excluding standard. The article starts with a reflection on the classic Vitruvian treatises and their relationship with mind-body binarism. The Vitruvian imagery is reproduced within a misogynist culture that systematically marginalizes the female body. Therefore, it is possible — and perhaps urgent — to imagine the School of Architecture as a powerful space for political action, to the extent that the academic debate cannot be seen as something neutral or devoid of ideology, but as an active dispute over the construction of narratives. Within this scenario, it is possible to think how Feminism can be strategical in subverting classical design tools.


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