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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Registration in the OJS system and subsequent access, by means of login and password, are mandatory for the submission of papers, as well as to monitor the ongoing editorial process.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The text follows the style standards, bibliographic requirements and Ethical Principles, described on the About the Journal page
  • For the Projects section, the contribution must be a non-built project.
  • When submitting the author(s) declare to be aware of all rules and responsibilities, as well as the Ethics Policy, available on the About the Journal page.
  • Authors are fully responsible for the authorship of the article/project and copyrights of all images, pictures and data included in the material. Authorization to use images and pictures of third parties must be signed by the copyright holder. Authors are also responsible for getting a written copyright permission to use images and pictures and keeping the original in case they are requested to present it.

Author Guidelines

1. General Conditions

1.1. América is a publication from Escola da Cidade’s Graduate Program. It is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes unpublished scientific articles and unbuilt projects in Portuguese, Spanish and English within the multiple areas in the architecture and urbanism field.

1.2. Authors are responsible for submitting works that meet the editorial standards, which may not be approved for publication in case they do not comply with the policies required by the journal. Editorial standards follow the guidelines of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), according to the following guidelines.

1.3. The Executive Editorial Board decides whether or not the article fits the scope of the journal, meets all submission criteria, and is suitable for peer review. Editors have the right to adapt original manuscripts to the journal’s editorial standards, submitting articles to language editing services.

1.4. Revista América does not take responsibility for the content and opinions expressed by authors or collaborators in published articles and projects. By submitting their work for publication authors declare they are aware and familiar with all ethics standards required by the journal.

1.5. Authors take full responsibility for all ethical approvals. If human subjects or samples were used, authors must affirm that the research protocol was approved by the appropriate institutional review boards or similar ethics committees in their countries. Research Ethics Board must be informed of the approval and of any potential conflicts of interest.

1.6. When submitting material, the author(s) declare that they are aware of all rules and responsibilities, as well as:

  • be the sole author or part of the team responsible for the material presented, ensuring that all collaborators are mentioned, aware and in agreement with the submission (when submitting architectural projects, it is necessary to forward a complete technical file)
  • for articles, ensure that the work is unpublished
  • be responsible for the drawings, writing, ideas and opinions present  (in no way incurring any type of plagium).
  • comply with principles of ethics and respect in the development of research and in relation to individuals and communities mentioned and whenever necessary, have a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution where the research was carried out.
  • take full responsibility for the images used, duly identified with source and credit.
  • authorize dissemination and distribution of the published version of the work, provided that the authorship is duly cited.

Any questions can be answered by e-mail:

Postgraduate Dossier

This section is organized by the coordination team of the Graduate Program of Escola da Cidade and does not receive submissions. The objective of this section is to disseminate and broaden out discussions that take place in Graduate Program of Escola da Cidade. The program was set up in 2008 and is organized under the general theme “America Civilization: a look through architecture”. We seek the articulation of sources – transcript of talks, faculty articles, interviews and reflections on developed activities, among others – around specific topics that relate to the content to be published in each edition of the journal.


This section comprises unpublished original scientific articles received continuously throughout the year, as the outcome of high-quality researches and studies within the multiple areas of interest of the journal. Authors are expected to have graduated or to be attending a graduate program. All submitted articles are always assessed by at least two members of the Scientific Editorial Board of Articles or peer-reviewed by ad hoc experts.

2.1. Format
2.1.1. Files should be submitted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (no larger than 2MB). Files should be in A4 format, all margins at 2cm (0.8 inches). To ensure blind peer review, any authorship identification must be removed from the file.

2.1.2. The title page must contain title, subtitle, abstract (of no more than 1300 characters with space) and a list up to three keywords - in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. To ensure blind peer review, all mentions to authorship in this and subsequent pages should be removed.

2.1.3. The text should be between 35.000 and 50.000 characters (with space); font Arial 11pt for the body and headings, and 9pt for references, endnotes and citations; justified alignment, line spacing 1.5, no paragraph spacing.

2.1.4. Author must send separately a file in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format containing the title, subtitle, biographical data, information on the context of the article's elaboration and the agencies that promoted or sponsored the work.

2.2. Presentation
2.2.1. Sections
Text formatting should follow ABNT NBR 6024/2012 (Informação e documentação – Numeração progressiva das seções de um documento escrito – Apresentação). Article sections are numbered in Arabic numerals.

2.2.2. Citations
Citations must follow the standard of ABNT NBR 10520/2023 (Informação e documentação – Citações em documentos – Apresentação). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. Authors must use parenthetical citations for in-text citations according to the author-date system. In-text long quotations (more than three lines or longer than 40 words) should start on a new line, 9pt, indented 4cm (1.5 inch) from the left margin, no line spacing, omitting quotation marks and not italicized.

2.2.3. Notes
Notes should be explanatory and presented as endnotes. They must follow ascending numeric sequence in Arabic numerals, in Arial 9pt.

2.3. Images
2.3.1. For each article will be accepted up to 10 images.

2.3.2. All figures must be provided separately as “supplementary file” on OJS platform with resolution of at least 300dpi and with size at least 20x30 cm.

2.3.3. It is also required to send a Microsoft Word file that contains the number of the images and their descriptive subtitle. Images subtitles should meet the following standard: Fig. (number in ascending order), source (reference of the original publication, author, museum name, collection, date etc.).

2.3.4. Tables, figures, images, and pictures must be easily readable.

2.3.5. If a figure is not easy to understand or does not appear to be of a suitable quality, the journal may omit it. Final formatting of the submitted articles is carried out by the journal, when relevant, the author should indicate the location of the images in the paper, in the Microsoft Word format document.

2.4. References
Any references cited in the text must be given in full according to ABNT NBR 6023/2018 (Informação e documentação – Referências – Elaboração). References must be listed in the end of the paper, alphabetical order, font Arial 9pt. Electronic sources as website pages should be active and given the full URL, as well as the date when the reference was last accessed.


This section consists of a space for discussing and disseminating architectural and urbanistic projects perceived as research at its various scales. The Journal accepts submissions of unbuilt architecture projects carried out by professional architects and urbanists. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern how significant the research is to the field. As how it conceives architecture or pushes forward its limits and social role. As well as the graphic-textual representation strategies that are proposed. All submitted projects are always assessed by at least two members of the Scientific Editorial Board of Projects.

3.1. Format
3.1.1. The files for submission must be in Portable Document Format (PDF), not larger than 2MB. The files must have A4 format and all margins with 2 cm (0.8 inches).

3.1.2. The project presentation should contain images that are relevant to its comprehension (about 10 for each project), as well as a text that sets the context of its elaboration and points out the most significant reflection being proposed. After approved, authors will be asked to provide all figures and text separately within necessary standards. Final formatting of the project is carried out by the journal.

3.1.3. The title page of submitted projects must have a title, subtitle, abstract (of no more than 1.300 characters with space) and a list up to three keywords - in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. To ensure blind peer review, all mentions to authorship in this and subsequent pages should be removed.

3.1.4. The text must have between 5.000 and 2.000 characters (with space); font Arial 11pt. (body and titles) and 9pt. (references, notes and citations); justified alignment, no paragraph spacing, line spacing 1.5.

3.2. Presentation
3.2.1. Citations
Citations must follow the standard of ABNT NBR 10520/2023 (Informação e documentação – Citações em documentos – Apresentação). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. Authors must use parenthetical citations for in-text citations according to the author-date system. In-text long quotations (more than three lines or longer than 40 words) should start on a new line, 9pt, indented 4cm (1.5 inch) from the left margin, no line spacing, omitting quotation marks and not italicized.

3.2.2. Notes
If necessary, notes should be explanatory and presented as endnotes. They must follow ascending numeric sequence in Arabic numerals, in Arial 9pt.

3.3. References
Any references cited in the text must be given in full according to ABNT NBR 6023/2018 (Informação e documentação – Referências – Elaboração). References must be listed in the end of the paper, alphabetical order, font Arial 9pt. Electronic sources as website pages should be active and given the full URL, as well as the date when the reference was last accessed.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.